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Every so often, an artist must create art that is therapeutic and fun. Fun to produce and consume.

I had just finished the last draft of a very serious and heavy script, which was exhausting, and real life was crowding in too; I needed a break from adulthood.

I opened my mind to the absurd and impossible, throwing caution to the wind, writing for the heck of it, writing what my inner child wanted. I was selfish, and it paid off.

I am wary of starting projects that can't be produced on a modest budget. Why pour time and energy into something you won't be able to finish or make well?

But, there are times when one must escape to the realm of myth and fantasy to better understand and cope with real-life. So, I began a project that, if successful, will take years to finish: a sci-fi/fantasy webcomic called, "Nobody's Special."

I brought the project to illustrator, Jacob Redmon*, and I'm thrilled to announce he has taken it on, believing the story will attract an audience and justify the years of work ahead.

I held off showing it to my professional writing friends, afraid it was something that could only be enjoyed by weirdos, like Jacob and I.

But, eventually, I broke down and shared it. Even the pros liked it! So, there's hope.

No matter what happens, I'll never regret jumping off the deep end.

* One of the few creatives who won't flake out on you.

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